Sun Sentinel: Funding gap leaves thousands of severely disabled residents on waiting list
News Article
By Bill Hirschman
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Posted August 27 2006
Thousands of severely disabled people are not getting the care they need because a state in-home assistance program that could help them maintain their independence hasn't been adequately funded.
More than 3,100 people have been on a waiting list since 2004, a figure that outraged some legislators who say they were never told about the list and didn't know the program was in trouble.
The Disabled Adult Medicaid Waiver provides a nurse or aide to directly help Floridians between ages 19 and 59 living on their own and struggling with debilitating illnesses ranging from stroke to multiple sclerosis. Aides also provide respite for relatives caring for disabled adults. For some clients, the alternative is a state-funded nursing home or assisted living center.
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