Letter from AHCA to Medicaid Recipients
2727 Mahan Dr i v e • Mail S top #1
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Dear Florida Medicaid Beneficiary:
Beginning in July 2006, there will be changes to Florida Medicaid in Broward and Duval Counties. These changes are needed to better meet your health care needs. These changes are called “Medicaid Reform”.
Medicaid Reform will allow you to choose the health care plan that best meets your health care needs. The health care plan you choose must offer services, like doctor visits, health screenings, lab work and other treatment when you medically need them.
The changes being made to Medicaid will NOT change who is eligible for services and will not increase what you pay out of your pocket when you receive services. We believe these changes will improve Medicaid.
In this envelope is a brochure which will tell you more about the changes being made to Medicaid and the choices you will have. You do not need to do anything right now. When it is time for you to choose a health care plan, the Florida Medicaid Program will send you a packet in the mail. The packet will give you all the information you need to receive choice counseling services. This is a free service that will help you choose a health care plan. If you would like to attend a training to learn more about Medicaid Reform, you can sign up for training on the web at:http://ahca.myflorida.com/Medicaid/medicaid_reform/index.shtml
Alan Levine
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