Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition Blog

The Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition is a group of consumer advocacy organizations monitoring the implementation and effects of the Florida Medicaid Reform. MRAC coalition partners represent different constituencies affected by Medicaid Reform. MRAC ‘s mission is to ensure that consumers’ interests are safeguarded as they are enrolled in private managed care plans and that the level of care they receive is adequate and appropriate for their needs. Contact MRAC at

Friday, September 15, 2006

Medicaid's Role for People with Disabilities

Source: Information provided by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured
Publication Number: 4027 Publish Date: 2003-12-11

This primer is on Medicaid's role as the major provider of health coverage for non-elderly persons with disabilities and on the policy challenges that lie ahead. It also provides short profiles of people with disabilities from across the country.

We are interested in hearing from Medicaid Recipients in Broward County and Duval County. Please contact us by email at