Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition Blog

The Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition is a group of consumer advocacy organizations monitoring the implementation and effects of the Florida Medicaid Reform. MRAC coalition partners represent different constituencies affected by Medicaid Reform. MRAC ‘s mission is to ensure that consumers’ interests are safeguarded as they are enrolled in private managed care plans and that the level of care they receive is adequate and appropriate for their needs. Contact MRAC at

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New Requirements for Citizenship Documentation in Medicaid

Source: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured

New Requirements for Citizenship Documentation in Medicaid

This fact sheet provides information on the new federal requirement that all U.S. citizens and nationals applying for or renewing their Medicaid coverage provide documentation of their citizenship status and examines the implications for Medicaid beneficiaries and the states.

We are interested in hearing from Medicaid Recipients in Broward County and Duval County. Please contact us by email at

The rising pharmaceutical expenditures for treatment of mental health disorders

Source: Florida Center for Medicaid and the Uninsured

"Mental health care drugs represent as much as a quarter of overall prescription drug costs within state Medicaid programs..."

We are interested in hearing from Medicaid Recipients in Broward County and Duval County. Please contact us by email at

The Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition-Partial List

Florida CHAIN:

Florida CHAIN is a statewide network organization dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of Floridians, especially disenfranchised constituencies. Florida CHAIN works by linking and building the capacity of communities for national, state, regional and local advocacy.

Florida CHAIN works toward access to quality health care, empowering people to actively shape their world by participating in civic life and actively caring for each other’s wellbeing, including Florida’s most vulnerable. Florida CHAIN’s bi-weekly electronic newsletter “CHAIN Reaction” keeps readers informed on the health care policy issues and events that affect us all, including issues related to Medicaid Reform.

Contact: Andrew Leone,

Center for Independent Living of Broward

The Center for Independent Living of Broward is a tax-exempt nonprofit whose mission is to enhance the lives and independence of people with disabilities in Broward County. As part of our Advocacy Program, we are working with the Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition to address Medicaid reform's effect on people with disabilities.

Contact: Marc Dubin, Esq., Director of Advocacy,

Center for Independent Living of South Florida, Inc.
Center for Independent Living of South Florida, Inc.'s mission is to empower people with disabilities in Miami-Dade County to reach their highest level of independence and to advocate for systemic change that results in dignity, equality, inclusion, integration, independence, and choice for all people with disabilities. We provide information technology training, competitive job placement, supported job placement, transition from school to community and work, transition from institutions to the community, sign language instruction, information and referral, peer support, disability rights training, independent living skills training, self and systems advocacy, transportation assistance, housing assistance, and assistive technology recycling. For the public, we provide disability awareness training, accessibility surveys, American Sign Language interpreters, Braille printing, and other alternative communication formats on a fee for service basis. We are involved with Medicaid Reform to assure that the civil rights of consumers with disabilities are protected to the maximum extent possible and that they are aware of their rights, understand how to navigate the system, and will not be adversely impacted by it.

Kelly Greene, Executive Director
Center for Independent Living of South Florida
6660 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida 33138
Voice: 305-751-8025
TTY: 305-751-8891
Fax: 305-751-8944

Care Broward, Inc.
Care Broward is centered on the belief that Florida's most vulnerable Patient population deserves Top-Quality, Accessible, and Affordable Health Care. Furthermore, we are committed to developing proper input for all participating Providers, and implementing fee schedules that encourage Provider advocacy for Preventive Health Care services.

Care Broward's mission is anchored by our promise to maintain open and effective communication with
* Florida's Medicaid recipients
* All participating Providers and Patient Advocacy groups
* The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration
If you are a Medicaid Patient, contact us today so that we can make certain you receive the Health Care you need and deserve.
Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr.

National Association on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI is a Not for Profit, 501 (c) 3, organization dedicated to helping the families of those with Mental Illness with positive support and the coping skills to deal with this disorder. Almost everybody with a major mental illness is impoverished and therefore on Medicaid, Medicare or both; and therefore will very likely have to make a choice as to which Medicaid Reform plan they will join. However Mental Illness interferes with the very human organ that is required to make such an informed decision, namely the brain.

Phil Ketchum, the NAMI Broward representative, in addition to being a member of the Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition, is an 8 year Board Member of NAMI Broward County, a member of the governing body of South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center, formerly a member of the Statewide Advocacy Council, and now a member of the PAIMI (Florida) Advisory Council, a volunteer at South Florida State Hospital and a member of the advisory committee of the Broward County FACT (Florida Assertive Community Treatment) team. He is an Advocate who concentrates on improving the Mental Health system to better aid in the recovery of those with severe Mental Illness.

Contact: Phil Ketchum
Tel: 954-731-9421, Mobile: 954-647-3495

Broward County ACORN

A local affiliate of Florida ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now!), Broward County ACORN builds power for low- and moderate-income families by engaging in a variety of activities including traditional community organizing, issue advocacy, political and electoral work, corporate campaigns, and direct action. Broward ACORN brings Medicaid recipients together through community outreach to address the needs of this community through collective action. For more information contact Nicholas Graber-Grace, Head Organizer at 954-484-8052.

The Human Services Coalition

The Human Services Coalition works to empower individuals and communities to create a more just and equitable society by promoting civic engagement, economic fairness, and access to health and human services that address unmet needs.

Work on Medicaid Reform:

HSC is the CHAIN LINC (Local Initiative Networking Community) in Miami; together with our local coalition members we are able to maintain ongoing communication with our state delegation and encourage over 3,000 subscribers to take action through our e-advocacy newsletter "Call to Action". Through other avenues such as "First Friday Luncheons", and the Health Access Task Force (a local committee developed in partnership with the Countywide of Office of Health Care planning among other groups) HSC works to raise awareness about the inevitable changes that are in the pipeline for Dade County as medicaid reform makes its way.

For contact info, feel free to have folks call the Human Services Coalition and ask for the Policy Coordinator, 305-576-5001, ext 42.

Florida Independent Living Council, Inc.

1018 Thomasville Road, Suite 100A
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 488-5624 voice/TTY
(877) 822-1993 toll free
(850) 488-5881 fax

What is FILC?
The Florida Independent Living Council is a statewide council established by federal mandate and Florida Statute. It consists of 15 voting members, who are appointed by the Governor. Other members include ex-officio representatives of the Division of Voc Rehab and Blind Services and the Florida Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center. In compliance with state law, a majority of the voting members are persons with disabilities. Additional representatives are from Centers for Independent Living, Advocacy, other consumer or independent living organizations and various state agencies that are impacted by Title VII of The Rehabilitation Act.

What is FILC's purpose?
FILC's purpose is to promote independent living opportunities for persons with disabilities throughout the state of Florida. This includes the promotion of a direct service philosophy that is consumer controlled and directed.

FILC's responsibilities?
The primary responsibility of the Council is to meet its various legal obligations that are covered in both the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Florida Statutes, Chapter 413, Part II.

These responsibilities include developing a State Plan for Independent Living. FILC accomplishes this in partnership with consumers, other independent living centers and organizations, the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Division of Blind Services.

The Council also works to insure:
1) That persons with disabilities have an opportunity for input into the development of a state plan for Independent Living Services.

2) That the independent living needs of people with disabilities are identified and met; and

3) That advocacy on behalf of independent living programs and consumers is initiated and carried out.

Contact: Molly Gosline (850) 488-5624 voice/TTY

Independent Living Resource Center of Northeast Florida.

Founded in 1991, the ILRC is guided by its mission statement: "To empower all people with a disability (as defined in the American's With Disabilities Act (ADA) or Rehab Act of 1973), to live independent and self-empowered lives."

The Independent Living Resource Center of N. E. Florida (ILRC), has been serving people with disabilities for over 20 years. The ILRC is a consumer driven, community based, non-residential, 501 (c) (3) private not-for-profit organization. We serve as a resource agency serving people with disabilities in 5 counties throughout Northeast Florida, including: Duval, Baker, Clay, Nassau and St. Johns. Funding for the program and services are provided by Department of Education, Rehabilitation Service Administration, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Social Security Administration, City of Jacksonville Public Service Grant Administration, The United Way of Northeast Florida, The ABLE Trust and other private foundations.

We are working with AHCA and they will be providing group Choice Counseling to our consumers on 11/13 @ 1:00. Also, I am working with them to provide a .5 FTE so we can have a Choice Counselor of our staff.

Contact information:

Matthew J. Motko, M.B.A.
Executive Director
Independent Living Resource Center of NEF
2709 Art Museum Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
904.399.8484 X23

The Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc.

The Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc., is a non-profit organization providing protection and advocacy services in the State of Florida. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, self-determination and expressed choices of individuals with disabilities.

Contact information: For consumers please contact Gloria Weiner at 954.967.1493 or Intake at 1.800.342.0823. Other Medicaid Reform inquiries please contact Gayle Miller, Esq., also at 954.967.1493.

Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc.
Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc. is a non-profit law firm which provides free legal assistance to income eligible individuals in Broward County in certain areas of the law. Our program will provide legal assistance to income eligible persons in Broward County who have legal problems related to Florida Medicaid Reform. We will assist clients with a variety of legal problems including but not limited to access to health care, denial of Medicaid benefits /services, reduction of benefits/services, and cessation of Medicaid benefits /services .
Contact Information:
Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc.
491 N. State Road 7
Plantation, FL 33317
Telephone: (954) 736-2400

Our mission is to serve, support, and educate the most vulnerable citizens about the healthcare programs available to them and monitor Legislation for possible harmful law changes. Currently, we are working with legislators advising them of the impending disaster Medicaid Reform will have. All Transplant Hospitals and case workers are getting weekly updates on the issues.
Contact information: or

Government Report Finds Healthcare Privacy Breaches Rampant

Source: Information Week

Over 40% of federal health insurance contractors and state Medicaid agencies reported experiencing a privacy breach involving personal health information in the past two years, according to a Government Accounting Office (GAO) report released on Tuesday.

The contractors and agencies collectively have access to medical data covering more than 100 million Americans, the report says.

We are interested in hearing from Medicaid Recipients in Broward County and Duval County. Please contact us by email at