Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition Blog

The Medicaid Reform Advocates Coalition is a group of consumer advocacy organizations monitoring the implementation and effects of the Florida Medicaid Reform. MRAC coalition partners represent different constituencies affected by Medicaid Reform. MRAC ‘s mission is to ensure that consumers’ interests are safeguarded as they are enrolled in private managed care plans and that the level of care they receive is adequate and appropriate for their needs. Contact MRAC at

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Florida Want Ads: Sound Health Care Leadership Needed ASAP!


Thank you for sharing this information.

Do you get the sense that our lawmakers are throwing darts in the dark as they search for a good working solution to Florida's Health Care ills? My inquiry is not directed towards a specific proposal; but rather, it is an indication of my rising concern regarding Florida's propensity to praise a given reform measure only to have it fizzle because due diligence was not conducted.

By my observation, many hassles and expenses that Patients endure could be alleviated by making certain that our lawmakers follow the proper order of hypothesis testing. Namely, formation of the hypothesis should be followed by statistically sound data collection and analysis which either proves or disproves the initial hypothesis. Only then can a proper and educated decision be made regarding continuation or discontinuation of a specific reform measure.

Plain and simple, too many Patient lives are at risk for our lawmakers to alternately jump onboard and then abandon the "latest greatest" reform model.

Florida's Health Care arena is in desperate need of informed, unwavering leadership.


Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr.

Marion D. Thorpe, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: [MedicaidReform] Demise of Senior Care HMO model?

This is an article from

Andrew Leone thinks you might be interested in this.

Link to the article:

A message to you from Andrew Leone:

Scroll down to article on Senior Care HMO proposal NOT getting to a vote this year.


Andrew Leone